Because of My Imprisonment

“Everything that has happened to me here has helped spread the Good News. For everyone here including the palace guard knows that I am in chains because of Christ. AND BECAUSE OF MY IMPRISONMENT most of the believers here have gained confidence and boldly speak...

“Uneventful Life” with Emoji help

Everything going good in your life?  Not perfect, but fairly good?Awesome! I hate to break it to you, but it won’t last forever.  I know, shocker! At some point you will be faced with a huge, mega, maybe almost faith-crushing ordeal. How do I know? Jesus said...

More Than Just A Traffic Jam

It was four years ago today. God had been speaking to me about trusting Him in all things. I was about to be tested.  My daughter and I had just spent the day with her fourth grade class tubing at a ski hill about an hour from our house. Instead of riding home with...